2023년 10월 28일-29일 미국주식일지(23.10.29 18시 31분경 업로드)

첨부파일 10.28 미국, 예상을 뛰어넘은 3분기 GDP 성장률은 향후 경제의 급랭 가능성을 내포. pdf파일 다운로드 내에 컴퓨터를 저장 첨부파일 10.28 미국, 예상을 뛰어넘은 3분기 GDP 성장률은 향후 경제의 급랭 가능성을 내포. pdf파일 다운로드 내에 컴퓨터를 저장

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첨부파일 231028-중동+및+국제유가+특별일보.pdf파일 다운로드 내 컴퓨터 저장 첨부파일 231028-중동+및+국제유가+특별일보.pdf파일 다운로드 내 컴퓨터 저장

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첨부파일 The Day Ahead for Monday, October 30, 2023.pdf 파일 다운로드 내 컴퓨터 저장 첨부파일 The Day Ahead for Monday, October 30, 2023.pdf 파일 다운로드 내 컴퓨터 저장

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주식 투자도 마찬가지입니다.

이제 여러분은 투자에서 가장 중요한 원칙인 손해를 멈추는 방법, 즉 손절매를 배울 것입니다.

인간은 본능적으로 작은 이익에 욕심을 내고 작은 손해도 보지 않도록 합니다.

작은 이익을 원해서 큰 이익을 놓치고 작은 손해도 입지 않게 해서 결국 큰 손해를 보고 맙니다.

탐욕 같은 인간 본성의 약점을 극복하고 탐욕스러운 마음과 같은 후천적 경험을 쌓아야 합니다.

– 전창팅(주식투자의 지혜) https://blog.naver.com/jeunkim/223248793064 주식투자도 마찬가지입니다.

이제 여러분은 투자에서 가장 중요한 원칙인 손해를 멈추는 방법, 즉 손절매를 배울 것입니다.

인간은 본능적으로 작은 이익에 욕심을 내고 작은 손해도 보지 않도록 합니다.

작은 이익을 원해서 큰 이익을 놓치고 작은 손해도 입지 않게 해서 결국 큰 손해를 보고 맙니다.

탐욕 같은 인간 본성의 약점을 극복하고 탐욕스러운 마음과 같은 후천적 경험을 쌓아야 합니다.

– 정 창 팅(주식투자의 지혜) https://blog.naver.com/jeunkim/223248793064

투자에서 가장 중요한 것, 제2차 세계대전 당시 안네 프랑크의 이야기는 장엄하면서도 비극적이었다.

안네는 독일 프랑크푸르트에서 blog.naver.com 투자에서 가장 중요한 것, 제2차 세계대전 당시 안네 프랑크의 이야기는 장엄하면서도 비극적이었다.

안네는 독일 프랑크푸르트에서… blog.naver.com

이 배움의 과정은 생각보다 쉽지 않다.

자신과의 싸움에서 이겨야 변화시킬 수 있다.

아시다시피 자신과의 싸움은 정말 힘든 일이야. 똑똑한 사람이 주식 투자에 실패하는 가장 큰 이유이기도 하다.

똑똑한 머리로 외부조건은 극복해도 자신을 극복하기란 어려운 법이다.

여러분이 주식시장을 연구하거나 다른 사람에게 주식투자 방법을 알려주는 직업을 갖는 것은 괜찮지만 직접 투자하는 전업 투자자가 되는 것은 어떨지 심사숙고해 주셨으면 좋겠다.

– 정장팅 (주식투자의 지혜) 이 배움의 과정은 생각보다 쉽지 않다.

자신과의 싸움에서 이겨야 변화시킬 수 있다.

아시다시피 자신과의 싸움은 정말 힘든 일이야. 똑똑한 사람이 주식 투자에 실패하는 가장 큰 이유이기도 하다.

똑똑한 머리로 외부조건은 극복해도 자신을 극복하기란 어려운 법이다.

여러분이 주식시장을 연구하거나 다른 사람에게 주식투자 방법을 알려주는 직업을 갖는 것은 괜찮지만 직접 투자하는 전업 투자자가 되는 것은 어떨지 심사숙고해 주셨으면 좋겠다.

– 정장팅 (주식투자의 지혜)



QT진행, 유동성 소폭 증가 https://youtu.be/rr1b1jIIl8U?si=eZ-D_jvuOgtRx5iA QT진행, 유동성 소폭 증가 https://youtu.be/rr1b1jIIl8U?si=eZ-D_jvuOgtRx5iA

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Israel’s largest airstrike in Gaza··· The Israeli military is expected to launch a large-scale attack on Gaza by mobilizing missiles, artillery, and tanks on the afternoon of the 27th (local time) and expand the front line to the point where ground troops are deployed. naver.me Israel’s largest air strike in Gaza, resulting in communication disruption across Gaza··· The Israeli military is expected to launch a large-scale attack on Gaza by mobilizing missiles, artillery, and tanks on the afternoon of the 27th (local time) and expand the front line to the point where ground troops are deployed. Communication Lost Across Gaza Due to This naver.me

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Why Warren Buffett receives $85.5 billion in cash from Tim Cook? Warren Buffett doesn’t need to introduce it. Called the “Wise of Omaha,” he now has a long career… m.blog.naver.com Why Warren Buffett receives $85.5 billion in cash from Tim Cook Warren Buffett doesn’t need to be introduced. Called “The Wise Man of Omaha,” he now has a long career… m.blog.naver.com

https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/023/0003795961 Elderly families whose assets are concentrated in low-liquidity real estate are likely to suffer from “money-related hardening.” Since the cost of living is not enough immediately, it is common to ask for help from children. Both parents and children are having a hard time. This appeal continues in the retirement community. “Before I retired, I thought apartments were the best. I didn’t know that cash assets were the biggest force.” “Cash flow should be good in old age. Living in an expensive apartment, I have a lot of headaches without cash. Taxes and health insurance premiums are quite expensive.” https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/023/0003795961 Elderly families whose assets are concentrated in low-liquidity real estate are likely to suffer from “money-related hardening.” Since the cost of living is not enough immediately, it is common to ask for help from children. Both parents and children are having a hard time. This appeal continues in the retirement community. “Before I retired, I thought apartments were the best. I didn’t know that cash assets were the biggest force.” “Cash flow should be good in old age. Living in an expensive apartment, I have a lot of headaches without cash. Taxes and health insurance premiums are quite expensive.”

You should know why you can’t use your strength. In the end, as I said before, if the government tries to control the flow of interest rate hikes in November, the company will collapse and a gentle layoff flow will be created, especially since the last steroid injection, which is difficult to lose in this last belt, is not artificially raised. Please refer to this as I have written my personal opinion that this could become a detonator. From a Shonger perspective, it is more likely that it will not become an inviden with no choice but to bet, and if you receive Grant from the government, you will have to know why you can’t use your power. In the end, as I said before, if the government tries to control the flow of interest rate hikes in November, the company will collapse and a gentle layoff flow will be created, especially since the last steroid injection, which is difficult to lose in this last belt, is not artificially raised. I wrote down my personal thoughts that could be a detonator, so please refer to them. From a Shonger perspective, it’s more likely that it won’t become an inviden with no choice but to bet. If you receive Grant from the government, it will be a card like that

If you look at this week’s minefield or power-up card, the Israeli war is also a reasonably impressive time. If you look deeper, you can find an article from Clinton, where you can find answers from the historical trends of the past, because the two extreme camps, which have given both PLO and Israel justification, feel sorry for only those who die. 엘 vs PLO그럼 왜 그러는지 이놈들 머리에 뭔생각이 들어 있는지 볼수 있음The UAW has reached a new contract agreement with Stellantis.The deal includes a 25% hourly pay raise plus cost-of-living allowances over the more-than-four-year contract. Stellantis also agreed to concessions on job security including keeping an engine plant open in Trenton, Michigan, And building a vehicle in the company’s idled Illinois assist plant.파급효과https://time.com/collection/best-inventions-2023/6327143/humane-ai-pin/랑https://time.com/collection/best-inventions-2023/6327143/humane-ai-pin/ If you look at this week’s minefields or power-up cards in the big picture, the Israeli war is also a reasonably impressive time. If you look deeper, you can find an article from Clinton, where you can find answers from the historical trends of the past, because the two extreme camps, which have given both PLO and Israel justification, feel sorry for only those who die. 엘 vs PLO그럼 왜 그러는지 이놈들 머리에 뭔생각이 들어 있는지 볼수 있음The UAW has reached a new contract agreement with Stellantis.The deal includes a 25% hourly pay raise plus cost-of-living allowances over the more-than-four-year contract. Stellantis also agreed to concessions on job security including keeping an engine plant open in Trenton, Michigan, and building a vehicle in the company’s idled Illinois assembly plant.何を意味するのか考えてみてください파급효과랑https://time.com/collection/best-inventions-2023/6327143/humane-ai-pin/

Human AIPIN: 200 of the best inventions of 2023 Human AIPIN: 200 of the best inventions of 2023 Human AIPIN: 200 of the best inventions of 2023 Human AIPIN: 200 of the best inventions of the year listtime.com

Personally, I’m curious about the project https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1007401813 Personally, I’m curious about the project https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1007401813

It has been confirmed that doctor’s income has quadrupled over the past seven years, and doctor’s income, which is considered a “high-income job,” has recently continued to increase sharply. According to the National Tax Service and related authorities, the average income of the medical industry, including doctors, oriental medicine, and dentists, is 269 million won as of 2021. news.sbs.co.kr Doctors’ income has quadrupled over the past seven years, ranking first in the OECD…5 times as much as lawyers, and doctor’s income, which is considered a “high-income job,” has recently continued to increase sharply. According to the National Tax Service and related authorities, the average income of the medical industry, including doctors, oriental medicine, and dentists, is 269 million won as of 2021. news.sbs.co.kr

You can see a little bit of a justification for this news coming out, right? Look at this with the flow of medical school enrollment. https://www.tmz.com/2023/10/28/friends-star-matthew-perry-dead-dies-drowning/국한見えます https://www.tmz.com/2023/10/28/friends-star-matthew-perry-dead-dies-drowning/ You can see a little bit of a fight for justification for what this news is about, right? Take a look at the flow of medical school enrollment https://www.tmz.com/2023/10/28/friends-star-matthew-perry-dead-dies-drowning/국한https://www.tmz.com/2023/10/28/friends-star-matthew-perry-dead-dies-drowning/

“Friends” star Matthew Perry appears to have drowned Saturday, legal sources told TMZ.www.tmz.com “Friends” star Matthew Perry appears to have drowned Saturday, legal sources told TMZ.www.tmz.com

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The merger of Korean Air and Asiana Airlines, which has been discussing the sale of the cargo business for three years, will reach a major watershed at the Asiana Airlines board meeting on the 30th. The board of directors will effectively conclude the issue of Asiana Airlines’ separate sale of its cargo business. news.sbs.co.kr The merger of Korean Air and Asiana Airlines, which has lasted for three years on the “Day of Destiny” of the merger, will reach a major watershed at the Asiana Airlines board meeting on the 30th. The board of directors will effectively conclude the issue of Asiana Airlines’ separate sale of its cargo business. news.sbs.co.kr

米国内のロケーションの数を示します:Subway: 20,603Starbucks: 16,061McDonald’s: 13,5147-Eleven: 9,476Dunkin’ Donuts: 9,461Taco Bell: 7,817Burger King: 6,850Pizza Hut: 6,824Circle K: 6,794Domino’s Pizza: 6,739Wendy’s: 5,996Dairy Queen: 4,306Little Ceasars: 4,187KFC: 3,979Sonic: 3,541Arby’s: 3,406Chipotle: 3,236Papa John’s: 3,110Popeyes: 2,975Chick-fil-A: 2,951Jimmy John’s: 2、739 Jersey Mike’s: 2,574 Baskin-Robbins: 2,376 Panda Express: 2,258 Jack in the box: 2,197 Panera パン: 2,132 ウィングストップ: 1,808 Hardee: 1,635 人: 1,449 人Auntie Anne’s: 1,309 米国内のロケーションの数を示します:Subway: 20,603Starbucks: 16,061McDonald’s: 13,5147-Eleven: 9,476Dunkin’ Donuts: 9,461Taco Bell: 7,817Burger King: 6,850Pizza Hut: 6,824Circle K: 6,794Domino’s Pizza: 6,739Wendy’s: 5,996Dairy Queen: 4,306Little Ceasars: 4,187KFC: 3,979Sonic: 3,541Arby’s: 3,406Chipotle: 3,236Papa John’s: 3,110Popeyes: 2,975Chick-fil-A: 2,951Jimmy John’s: 2、739 Jersey Mike’s: 2,574 Baskin-Robbins: 2,376 Panda Express: 2,258 Jack in the box: 2,197 Panera パン: 2,132 ウィングストップ: 1,808 Hardee: 1,635 人: 1,449 人Auntie Anne’s: 1,309

아시아태평양경제협력체(APEC) 정상회의, 11월 15~17일, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQxSgEgIxyI 아시아태평양경제협력체(APEC) 정상회의, 11월 15~17일, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQxSgEgIxyI

一つは仁祖、一つは天然wwインドのおかげで下の方にもっと見える簡単に馬の海洋食か天然かチャイhttps://www.joongang.co.kr/article/25154888?utm_source=navernewsstand&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=leftbottom5_newsstand&utm_content=231029 一つは仁祖、一つは天然wwインドのおかげで下の方にもっと見える簡単に馬の海洋食か天然かチャイhttps://www.joongang.co.kr/article/25154888?utm_source=navernewsstand&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=leftbottom5_newsstand&utm_content=231029

펜타닐 캡슐 4개면 됩니다…미국 좀비 거리를 만든 중국 소녀|중앙일보 세계 최대 펜타닐 생산처는 중국이다.

www.joongang.co.kr 펜타닐 캡슐 4개면 돼요…미국 좀비 거리를 만든 중국 소녀|중앙일보 세계 최대 펜타닐 생산처는 중국이다.


덕분에 남미의 마약 공장이 도산하는 가운데, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZFMeDHmzcI 덕분에 남미의 마약 공장이 도산하는 가운데, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZFMeDHmzcI

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The price of “Oh, you’ve lost two dumplings” remains the same… On the 20th, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, which has decreased in volume, called in representatives of 16 domestic food companies and key executives to ask for price stability cooperation. Dongwon F&B, the No. 1 seasoned laver industry in Korea, will deliver “Yangbang laver” to retailers, which lowered its weight by 0.5g from 5g to 4.5g. news.naver.com The price of “Oh, you’ve lost two dumplings” remains the same… On the 20th, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs summoned representatives and key executives of 16 domestic food companies to ask for price stability cooperation. Dongwon F&B, the No. 1 seasoned laver industry in Korea, will deliver “Yangbang laver” to retailers, which lowered its weight by 0.5g from 5g to 4.5g. news.naver.com

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“Next year is a problem” … Battery industry nervous about slowing electric car market | Yonhap News reporter Lim Ki-chan = Major U.S. auto manufacturers have announced plans to adjust the production and investment speed of electric cars one after another … www.yna.co.kr

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This article, in which China’s “RMB Defense” raised interest rates on U.S. government bonds, was published on Hankyung Global Market, Korea’s largest overseas investment information platform. Analysts say that the Chinese government’s move to defend the value of the yuan is one of the main reasons for pushing the U.S. long-term interest rate to a 15-year high. Despite the Chinese government’s efforts to raise the value of the yuan, “RMB Carrie v. daum.net China’s “RMB Defense” raised interest rates on U.S. government bonds. This article was published on Hankyung Global Market, Korea’s largest overseas investment information platform. Analysts say that the Chinese government’s move to defend the value of the yuan is one of the main reasons for pushing the U.S. long-term interest rate to a 15-year high. Despite Beijing’s efforts to raise the value of the yuan, “RMB Carrie v. daum.net ” borrows low-interest RMB to invest in high-interest currencies

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Everything from embedded developers to intelligent smart edge devices. Hello, I’m a code maker, an office worker who makes a living by code. Edge devices worldwide in 2021 (Edge D…m.blog.naver.com ) Everything from embedded developers to intelligent smart edge devices. Hello, I’m a code maker, an office worker who makes a living by code. Edge devices worldwide in 2021 (Edge D…m.blog.naver.com )


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US interest rate peak confirmed – bond acquisition begins [BY Kim Hak-joo Research] US interest rate peak confirmed – bond prices plunged unexpectedly this year…m.post.naver.com US interest rate peak confirmed – bond acquisition started [BY Kim Hak-joo Research] US interest rate peaks confirmed – bond prices plunged unexpectedly this year…m.post.naver.com



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NOVA REAL INVEST (@novarealinvest)/XA.Signal I. discord community https://t.co/4TiIPMNhR8 to serious and responsible stock market investors!
| YT live: https://t.co/06iT5COQHgtwitter.com NOVA REAL INVEST (@novarealinvest)/XA.Signal I. discord community https://t.co/4TiIPMNhR8 to serious and responsible stock market investors!
| YT live: https://t.co/06iT5COQHgtwitter.com


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GM, Stellantis Match 25% Pay Hike in Latest Offer to UAW General Motors Co. and Stellantis NV have agreed to offer a 25% pay rise to United Auto Workers members each in ongoing contract negotiations. This is the same Ford Motor Co. provided to end the six-week strike. discussions.www.bloomberg.com GM, Stellantis Match 25% Pay Hike in Latest Offer to UAWGeneral Motors Co. and Stellantis NV have agreed to offer a 25% pay rise to United Auto Workers members in ongoing contract negotiations. This is the same Ford Motor Co. provided to end the six-week strike. discussions.www.bloomberg.com



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The UAW expands its GM strike to a Tennessee plant. 4,000 workers at the Spring Hill assembly plant produce Cadillac and GMC models. They join 10,000 other GM workers at Picket lines.www.detroitnews.com The UAW expands its GM strike to a Tennessee plant. 4,000 workers at the Spring Hill assembly plant produce Cadillac and GMC models. They join 10,000 other GM workers at Picket lines.www.detroitnews.com


SOFI Sophie Monday Earning SOFI Sophie Monday Earning





(231029) October 2022 vs October 2023, it’s already late autumn. There is that color peculiar to late autumn. The sky is very clear and high, but the autumn leaves are falling… I’ve been walking down the street for a while to feel the scent of autumn. The atmosphere of the market is really noisy, but I hope you have time to find some time to relax. Let’s start our weekend essay. The atmosphere of the asset market has changed in no time. The market seems to feel a lot of pressure on the rising interest rates. It’s expensive now, but it’s going to be low soon in the future.. I wasn’t so afraid of interest rates rising when there was a strong belief that. It was rather good news. If interest rates are lowered more than they have risen, it will be a big hit. In this case……. They don’t pay much attention to the direction in which interest rates rise or the level of interest rates. If the asset market is holding its breath and interest rates seem to fall, it will rush like water. It’s the market atmosphere from the second quarter to the third quarter of this year… If the interest rate continues to rise during the day, hold on and turn around and go down a little… The stock market starts to jump flexibly, saying, “Today is the high point of interest rates!
” However, the reaction changes when expectations arise that the current high interest rate will last longer than expected because interest rates do not fall that much. Even if the direction of interest rates changes.. But it can’t rain a lot.. Instead, they start thinking that it might go up again. Then the atmosphere changes, but when interest rates fall a little, the atmosphere of cheering at the speed of light becomes weaker and weaker. At the same time, you will feel burdened by the current interest rate level. This is because there is a belief that interesting things will come down even if the vehicle goes up high. By the way, what happens if I can’t get off easily? You may feel a lot of fear. Such fear is now at work in the market. You can ask this question here. It was last year that it was as hard as it is now. The atmosphere from October to November last year was very bad, but I think it was the darkest just before dawn.. That’s exactly the question. In fact, the asset market began to shake sharply at the end of August last year after Powell made an eight-minute threat in a speech at Jackson Hole. And after September to October, the financial market will go through the worst. At that time, the 10-year interest rate in the U.S. rose to 4.3%, and the won-dollar exchange rate recorded 1,440 won. And the KOSPI index collapsed to 2,150 points. However, the U.S. 10-year interest rate fell to 3.3 percent between March and April this year, the dollar’s exchange rate fell to 1,215 won, and the KOSPI slightly exceeded 2,650 points during the day. If so, can we expect the same thing this time.. The question comes up. Personally, I think there is a possibility, but I think the atmosphere should be the same as last year. A similar atmosphere? First of all, last year… …in September 2010, the Leeds Truss Cabinet shoveled the British government bond market, which shook interest rates on government bonds worldwide. The real economy also begins to feel burdened by the U.S. 10-year interest rate, which rose too quickly. In response, Treasury Secretary Yellen turns pale and says. Let’s take a look at the interview from that time. “According to Bloomberg and others, Minister Yellen said in a speech and question-and-answer session at the SIFMA annual meeting in New York, “It is an environment where risks to financial stability can appear in the U.S.,” he said. Next, the Treasury is carefully considering measures to improve the functioning of the government bond market and pointed out that the ability of dealers to broker failed to grow according to market size.” (Omitted) (Herald Economy, 22.10.25) October 25, 2010. At the time, Treasury Secretary Yellen expressed considerable concern about the lack of liquidity in the U.S. bond market, looking at soaring U.S. Treasury rates. And he said he needed something to control this one-sided flow. And as some of you may remember, the U.S. Treasury Department might have to do a buyback.. That’s what I heard. We don’t know how effective this will be, but we will certainly give one message to the market. The U.S. authorities are also quite concerned about the rise in U.S. interest rates. So, will we tolerate an additional surge in interest rates? Wouldn’t the government take any action? It is an attempt to recover from the current situation where interest rates are soaring in any direction, so it would have served as a basis for raising pivot expectations from the market’s point of view. Secretary of the Treasury Yellen was not the only one who moved. Chairman Powell also abandoned Jackson Hole’s charisma at the end of August 2022 and suddenly started discussing how to speed up the rate hike. The Fed, which raised the Giant Step interest rate one after another in June, July, September, and November last year, began adjusting its speed with a 50bp rate hike in December and a 25bp rate hike later. I mean, you can control the speed.. Isn’t it a message of hope that the end of the rate hike is not far away? It must have been a very sweet message to the market waiting for the pivot. Other countries also expressed considerable caution over the rise in U.S. Treasury bond rates and the resulting sharp rise in the dollar. So at the G20 Finance Ministers’ Meeting in October last year, discussions were held on what side effects the unilateral U.S. rate hike and the resulting strong dollar could have on global countries and whether such side effects could return like boomerangs and burden the U.S. economy. Let’s take a look at what Bank of Korea Governor Lee Chang-young said at the conference right after the G20 Finance Ministers’ Meeting. “However, Governor Lee predicted that the U.S. could also engage in international cooperation in the mid- to long-term. He said, “The good news is this (231029) October 2022 vs October 2023, it’s already late autumn. There is that color peculiar to late autumn. The sky is very clear and high, but the autumn leaves are falling… I’ve been walking down the street for a while to feel the scent of autumn. The atmosphere of the market is really noisy, but I hope you have time to find some time to relax. Let’s start our weekend essay. The atmosphere of the asset market has changed in no time. The market seems to feel a lot of pressure on the rising interest rates.

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US Stocks and Investment Story Twitter->https://twitter.com/itechkoreallc Thread->https://www.threads.net/ @itechkoreaMijutsuKakaoTalk Group Chat->https://open.kakao.com/o/g3e8yxBc Password:usitk095t.me US Stocks and Investment Story Twitter->https://twitter.com/itechkoreallc Thread->https://www.threads.net/ @itechkoreaMijutsuKakaoTalk Group Chat->https://open.kakao.com/o/g3e8yxBc Password:usitk095t.me


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Rafiki Research global macro researcht.me Rafiki Research global macro researcht.me

The weekend column “Biden’s Unfair Trade” Biden is a Catholic, but all three children are married to Jews, and Vice President Camilla Harris’ husband is also Jewish. Biden claims it’s a war for the free camp, but it’s not entirely wrong to insist on private appropriation of the country’s money. https://rafikiresearch.blogspot.com/ Weekend column “Biden’s Unfair Trade” Biden is a Catholic, but all three children are married to Jews, and Vice President Camilla Harris’ husband is also Jewish. Biden claims it’s a war for the free camp, but it’s not entirely wrong to insist on private appropriation of the country’s money. https://rafikiresearch.blogspot.com/

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Lupin Lupin Investt.me Lupin Lupin Lupin Investt.me


The price growth rate in September, measured by the Core PCE Index, was 0.3% from August (a slight downward revision in August), and the core PCE interest rate in September fell from 3.8% to 3.7% for the 12 months of September. 6 months Annual rate: +2.8% 3 months Annual rate: +2.5% PCE index headline inflation was 0.36% in September compared to August 12 months PCE price growth rate 3.4%, maintaining stable trend 6 months Annual rate: +3.1% (compared to 2.6% in August) 3 months Annual rate: +3.8% (compared to 3.1% in August) Nick Timilaus The price growth rate in September, measured by the Core PCE Index, was 0.3% from August (a slight downward revision in August), and the core PCE interest rate in September fell from 3.8% to 3.7% for the 12 months of September. 6 months Annual rate: +2.8% 3 months Annual rate: +2.5% PCE index headline inflation was 0.36% in September compared to August 12 months PCE price growth rate 3.4%, maintaining stable trend 6 months Annual rate: +3.1% (compared to 2.6% in August) 3 months Annual rate: +3.8% (compared to 3.1% in August) Nick Timilaus

Al Jazeera sources: Negotiations are fast underway to reach a truce and exchange agreement between Qatar-brokered Hamas and Israel, which reportedly refused to release the hostages after an article that Qatar was arbitrating an extraordinary truce on the condition that Hamas would release all hostages. In the end, JPMorgan, which stimulates risk aversion sentiment in the market ahead of the weekend, fell 3.60 percent as news spread that Israeli forces launched a large-scale air raid on Gaza at around 1 p.m. According to the bank’s announcement, CEO Daimon plans to sell 1 million shares of treasury stock next year. Next week’s schedule 31st: Samsung Electronics’ performance 31st: The Bank of Japan’s monetary policy meeting showed interest rates on 10-year government bonds rose to 0.88% and the yen fell to 150 yen per dollar. Tokyo’s consumer price index (CPI) rose 2.7 percent year-on-year in October, exceeding market expectations of 2.5 percent. 31-1st: The FOMC’s benchmark interest rate is expected to be frozen, and more importantly, it should be a statement made at a press conference. Wells Fargo said, “The FOMC is expected to maintain its benchmark interest rate at 5.25% to 5.50% Wednesday. Inflation is moving toward a 2% target, but further progress must be made. Therefore, I believe that the FOMC wants to open up options for further austerity, and I think it will maintain the expression in the statement that further austerity is appropriate. We acknowledge that the FOMC could raise interest rates by 25bp more before the end of the year, but we continue to believe that we have reached the final interest rate for this cycle.” 1st: Investors may pay more attention than the 1st FOMC, such as the Treasury’s announcement of its government bond issuance plan. The U.S. Treasury Department plans to issue government bonds Wednesday. This is a plan for future debt issuance, and the budget deficit is expected to exceed 6% of GDP, so it is expected to be quite large. Considering that interest rates on government bonds have continued to rise for three months since the announcement of the last issuance plan at the end of July, it could be an opportunity for the 10-year government bond yield to soar to 5% or plunge below after the announcement of the plan on Wednesday. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen explained today that the surge in government bond rates “was forced to rise not because of the budget deficit, but because U.S. government bonds are a global benchmark as yields rose across developed markets.” 2nd: Apple’s focus on performance is on iPhone 15 sales. Recently, JP Morgan analyzed that iPhone 15 sales strength has become weaker than previous products in the same period last year. The Wall Street Consensus expects Apple’s sales to reach $84.67 billion, down from $90.6 billion in the same period last year. IPhone sales will decrease from $42.84 billion to $41.53 billion on the 3rd: The October employment report, which comes out on Friday, is important as an economic indicator of the October employment report. Wall Street believes the number of new jobs increased by 336,000 in September, but increased by 175,000 in October. U.S. auto union (UAW) strike-influenced https://www.hankyung.com/article/202310282814i The U.S. and China agreed to work together for the Biden-Xi Jinping summit next month, a senior U.S. official said Friday after a high-level meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Wang spent two days meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Brinkorn and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan for nine hours, and senior U.S. officials said the interaction was “straightforward and profound.” Biden’s top aides raised Washington’s key concerns, including the need to restore military channels between the two countries, China’s actions in East China Sea and the South China Sea, Taiwan, human rights, fentanyl precursors and cases of Americans detained in the U.S. https://www.reuters.com/world/blinken-wang-meet-us-china-gear-up-towards-expected-leaders-summit-2023-10-27/ Google, which has agreed to invest up to $2 billion in OpenAI rival Anthropic, has agreed to invest up to $2 billion in artificial intelligence company Anthropic, a spokesman for the startup said Friday. A spokesman said the company had agreed to invest $500 million in an upfront OpenAI competitor and add another $1.5 billion over time. Google has already invested in Anthropic, and the new investment will highlight efforts to better compete with Microsoft, the leading sponsor of ChatGPT founder OpenAI, as giant tech companies compete to introduce AI into their companies. Amazon also announced last month that it would invest up to $4 billion in Anthropic to compete with its growing cloud rivals in the AI field. The increase in investment indicates that cloud companies are continuously making efforts to secure relationships with AI startups that are reorganizing the industry. A source at https://www.reuters.com/technology/google-agrees-invest-up-2-bln-openai-rival-anthropic-wsj-2023-10-27/ reported to Weibo that Samsung Electronics has started mass production of Galaxy S24 series mobile phones and is expected to be released in mid- to late January next year, Among them, Galaxy S24 Ultra will be equipped with Snapdragon 8Gen 3 for Galaxy processors and Galaxy S24 and Galaxy S24+ will be equipped with its own Exynos 2400 processors. QHD+ Display, Tialloy Al Jazeera Sources: Qatar is negotiating a truce and exchange agreement between Hamas and Israel. In the end, JPMorgan, which stimulates risk aversion sentiment in the market ahead of the weekend, fell 3.60 percent as news spread that Israeli forces launched a large-scale air raid on Gaza at around 1 p.m. The bank plans to sell 1 million shares of its own shares next year by CEO Daimon through a public announcement on the 31st of next week: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd

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[Hana Credit Kim Sang-hoon] Purpose of communicating with Hoonibong Credit/Economic News and Publishing Materials t.me [Hana Credit Kim Sang-hoon] Purpose of communicating Hoonibong Credit/Economic News and Publishing Materials t.me

<September PCE Price Consensus> Headline yoy% Actual 3.4 / Forecast 3.4 / Last month 3.5 Headline mom% Actual 0.4 / Forecast 0.3 / Last month 0.4 / Actual 3.7 / Last month 3.9 / Forecast 0.1 <September PCE Price Consensus> Headline yoy% Actual 3.4 / Actual 3.4% Actual/ Actual 3.4% Actual 3.4% Real 3.4% actual

Nominal disposable income rose +0.3% from the previous month, August revised +0.1% from the previous month, August revised +0.1% from the previous month, August revised +0.1% from the previous month, September revised +0.1% from the previous month



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[Hana Global ETF/FI] I am Park Seung-jin, in charge of overseas bonds/FX at Hana Securities Global ETF. I would like to share various topics related to the global financial market. t.me [Hana Global ETF/FI] I am Park Seung-jin, in charge of overseas bonds/FX at Hana Securities Global ETF. I would like to share with you various topics related to the global financial market. t.me


» Headline PCE, Core PCE Price Index [year-on-month/month-on-month order] » Headline PCE, Core PCE Price Index [year-on-month/month-on-month order]

» For the first time since May, gold-related weekly fund flows have turned into net inflows » For the first time since May, gold-related weekly fund flows have turned into net inflows

Confirmed large-scale inflow of funds at unprecedented levels in long-term government bond funds Confirmed large-scale inflow of funds at unprecedented levels in long-term government bond funds

» The University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index rose slightly from 63.0 pt in October to 63.8 pt (68.1 pt in September). While the current situation index has been revised upward, the future expectation index has been revised downward to 59.3pt, while the one-year expected inflation has been greatly revised upward from the provisional value of 3.8% to 4.2%. Expectations for five to 10 years inflation stood at 3.0 percent (2.8 percent in September), a decline in confidence in the future and continued inflationary vigilance. The relatively stable trend of long-term expected inflation seems to reflect the burden on the possibility of prolonged high interest rates as the Fed intended » The University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index rose slightly from 63.0 pt in October to 63.8 pt (68.1 pt in September). While the current situation index has been revised upward, the future expectation index has been revised downward to 59.3pt, while the one-year expected inflation has been greatly revised upward from the provisional value of 3.8% to 4.2%. Expectations for five to 10 years inflation stood at 3.0 percent (2.8 percent in September), a decline in confidence in the future and continued inflationary vigilance. The relatively stable trend of long-term expected inflation seems to reflect the burden on the possibility of prolonged high interest rates as the Fed intended

» Tesla’s average used car price is down $28,000 (-41%) from its highest level in July last year » Tesla’s average used car price is down $28,000 (-41%) from its highest level in July last year

» Among the S&P 500 companies, the proportion of companies with 200 days above the average fell to 29%. The rebound in 2018 and 2022 begins after the above ratio falls to the 10% level » Among the S&P 500 companies, the proportion of companies with 200 days above the average fell to 29%. The rebound in 2018 and 2022 begins after the above ratio falls to the 10% level

[Changes in U.S. cloud market share] ≫ Share of 3 major companies – Amazon (AWS): 32% – Microsoft (Azure): 23% – Google (GCP): 11% ≫ Q3 sales: $68 billion total – up +18% year-on-year [Changes in U.S. cloud market share] ≫ Share of 3 major companies – Amazon (AWS): 32% – Microsoft (Azure): 23% – Google (GCP): 11% ≫ Q3 sales: $68 billion total – up +18% year-on-year

[Current status of global monetary policy (October 27)] ≫ Chile has decided to cut its policy interest rate by 50bp to 9.00% (three consecutive cuts) and Russia has decided to raise it by an additional 200bp to 15.0%. » As Canada and the ECB decided to freeze the policy interest rate this week, Turkey’s policy interest rate reached 35.00% through an additional 500bp hike yesterday. Turkey’s policy interest rate has reached 26.50 percentage points higher than 8.50 percent in May due to the fifth consecutive rate hike that began in June. » Next week, BOJ in Japan (October 30-31), FOMC in the United States (October 31-11), and BOE in the United Kingdom (November 2) are scheduled to hold monetary policy meetings. [Current status of global monetary policy (October 27)] ≫ Chile has decided to cut its policy interest rate by 50bp to 9.00% (three consecutive cuts) and Russia has decided to raise it by an additional 200bp to 15.0%. » As Canada and the ECB decided to freeze the policy interest rate this week, Turkey’s policy interest rate reached 35.00% through an additional 500bp hike yesterday. Turkey’s policy interest rate has reached 26.50 percentage points higher than 8.50 percent in May due to the fifth consecutive rate hike that began in June. » Next week, BOJ in Japan (October 30-31), FOMC in the United States (October 31-11), and BOE in the United Kingdom (November 2) are scheduled to hold monetary policy meetings.


» The acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources, a shale company, has led to an Exxon Mobile » Exxon Mobil to secure unrivaled production scale through acquisition of shale company Pioneer Natural Resources

» P/E trends for major energy companies. Exxon Mobil and Chevron in the U.S. are much higher than Shell and BP in Europe » P/E trends for major energy companies. Exxon Mobil and Chevron in the U.S. are much higher than Shell and BP in Europe

» Daily fluctuations in 10-year government bond rates, which have expanded significantly due to the supply-demand gap » Daily fluctuations in 10-year government bond rates, which have expanded significantly due to the supply-demand gap

» Active managers are reducing their share of stocks to the lowest level in a year » Active managers are reducing their share of stocks to the lowest level in a year

» Following Ford, Stelantis agreed on a 25% (4-year) wage increase plan. GM Only Remaining ≫ UAW Decides to Increase GM Strike Strength to Pressure Negotiations —————————————————- The UAW, which had been on strike for the longest time in 25 years, has tentatively agreed with Ford and Stelantis on wage negotiations and ordered union members to return. The union members of the two companies will go through the process of approving the agreement. The UAW has vowed to concentrate its firepower on General Motors, which has yet to make progress in negotiations. The labor union has received some wage increases that match its performance, but companies that have been having difficulties in converting electric vehicles recently have to bear additional burdens. “We have reached a tentative agreement with Stelantis for the first time in 44 days,” the UAW said in an official statement on Tuesday. “We will receive a 25 percent increase in basic salary (for four years), a minimum and maximum hourly wage increase and a living allowance just like the Ford negotiations.” He also said, “While the agreement goes through the ratification process in the vote of union members, workers will return to work.” “Raising wages by 25%” – GM’s first remaining U.S. auto strike – tentative agreement with UAW Stelantis on wages, results following Ford – GM strike expansion – trillions of won in costs – bad news of electric car conversion https://n.news.naver.com/article/008/0004954833?sid=104 » Stelantis agreed to raise wages by 25% (4 years). GM Only Remaining ≫ UAW Decides to Increase GM Strike Strength to Pressure Negotiations —————————————————- The UAW, which had been on strike for the longest time in 25 years, has tentatively agreed with Ford and Stelantis on wage negotiations and ordered union members to return. The union members of the two companies will go through the process of approving the agreement. The UAW has vowed to concentrate its firepower on General Motors, which has yet to make progress in negotiations. The labor union has received some wage increases that match its performance, but companies that have been having difficulties in converting electric vehicles recently have to bear additional burdens. “We have reached a tentative agreement with Stelantis for the first time in 44 days,” the UAW said in an official statement on Tuesday. “We will receive a 25 percent increase in basic salary (for four years), a minimum and maximum hourly wage increase and a living allowance just like the Ford negotiations.” He also said, “While the agreement goes through the ratification process in the vote of union members, workers will return to work.” “Raising wages by 25%” – GM’s first remaining U.S. auto strike – tentative agreement with UAW Stelantis on wages, results following Ford – GM strike expansion – trillions of won in costs for three companies, bad news of electric car conversion https://n.news.naver.com/article/008/0004954833?sid=104

» Middle East continues to fear war escalation with Iran’s warning — ———————————————– Israel declared its entry into the “second phase of the war” ahead of an all-out war with Hamas, an armed Palestinian faction, and increased its troops in Gaza. Iran, which supports Hamas, warns of a full-fledged response, saying it has crossed the red line, drawing attention to the movement of anti-Western and anti-Israeli countries and armed groups in the Middle East supported by Iran. Israel Declares Phase 2 of ‘Over the Red Line’ Warning – ‘Every effort to rescue hostages’ – ‘Israeli army, Gaza operational troop buildup – Gaza Health Ministry ‘Over 8,000 cumulative deaths’ – Gathers in relief warehouses of thousands of Gaza residents – UN President https://n.news.naver.com/article/001/0014295328?sid=104 » Middle East continues to fear war escalation with Iran’s warning — ———————————————– Israel declared its entry into the “second phase of the war” ahead of an all-out war with Hamas, an armed Palestinian faction, and increased its troops in Gaza. Iran, which supports Hamas, warns of a full-fledged response, saying it has crossed the red line, drawing attention to the movement of anti-Western and anti-Israeli countries and armed groups in the Middle East supported by Iran. Israel Declares Phase 2 of ‘Over the Red Line’ Warning – ‘Every effort to rescue hostages’ – ‘Israeli army, Gaza operational force buildup – Gaza health ministry ‘Over 8,000 cumulative deaths’ – UN President ‘Tentative situation is getting urgent’ https://n.news.naver.com/article/001/0014295328?sid=104

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Ether Japan & America Stock News This is a place to store information of interest mainly in Japan and the United States. It is a channel where you can find a variety of companies, including Japan’s economic situation, which is not common in Korea. It mainly deals with semiconductor/aircraft information and brings in various news. It’s ether, not Isher!
t.me E-Tel Japan & America Stock News This is a place to store information of interest mainly in Japan and the United States. It is a channel where you can find a variety of companies, including Japan’s economic situation, which is not common in Korea. It mainly deals with semiconductor/aircraft information and brings in various news. It’s Ether, not Isher!


BofA: Consumer spending was strong at 4.0%, consistent with expectations that durable goods (+7.6%) were the strongest. This is a positive signal because durable goods spending is mostly discretionary spending. Chevron (CVX) has achieved results. Net income per share was $3.05 per share, exceeding the forecast of $3.33 per share with $54.1 billion in lower sales. XOM | ExxonMobil Performance:- Adjusted Net Income per Share: $2.27 (estimated $2.36)- Sales: $90.76B (estimated $94.35B) – Increase Q2 dividend per share from 91 cents to 95 cents (estimated) 94 cents) – 3,688 KOEB/D, estimated 3720 KOEB/D BofA: Consumer spending was strong at 4.0 percent, consistent with expectations that durable goods (+7.6%) were the strongest. This is a positive signal because durable goods spending is mostly discretionary spending. Chevron (CVX) has achieved results. Net income per share was $3.05 per share, exceeding the forecast of $3.33 per share with $54.1 billion in lower sales. XOM | ExxonMobil Performance:- Adjusted Net Income per Share: $2.27 (estimated $2.36)- Sales: $90.76B (estimated $94.35B) – Increase Q2 dividend per share from 91 cents to 95 cents (estimated) 94 cents) – 3,688 KOEB/D, estimated 3720 KOEB/D

Savita BofA) 3Q performance is about 8% higher than expected, and macro data is doing well. Baby boomers will leave $80 trillion for millennials, and AI can be more innovative than the cloud. Savita BofA) 3Q performance is about 8% higher than expected, and macro data is doing well. Baby boomers will leave $80 trillion for millennials, and AI can be more innovative than the cloud.

The BofA Economic Outlook Nonfarm Payrolls is expected to fall to +50k by 3Q24. Starting with a 25bp drop in 2Q24, the benchmark interest rate is expected to fall below 4% only when it falls 25bp every quarter and reaches 4Q25. The real GDP of the United States is projected to be 1.5% in 2012. The BofA Economic Outlook Nonfarm Payrolls is expected to fall to +50k by 3Q24. Starting with a 25bp drop in 2Q24, the benchmark interest rate is expected to fall below 4% only when it falls 25bp every quarter and reaches 4Q25. The real GDP of the United States is projected to be 1.5% in 2012.


The Suttmeier) S&P 500 of BofA currently uses the 4250 line, which is a 40 share Ripyeong line, as a resistance band. As you can see in the second photo, about 4114 and 4049 are currently the support lines at the rewind level. Considering the leverage of Satrifund’s Dunniles) retail business, GAAP net income per share (EPS) could reach between $5 and $6 in 2025. For regular retailers, Costco’s subsequent share price returns are 37 times higher than the giant retailer Walmart’s 25 times higher. The bottom is $5×25=$125, and the top is $6×37=$222. Amazon is likely to increase its retail share through AI/Cloud. https://x.com/DanielTNiles/status/1717894723485266196?s=20- > The telegram operator, Amazon shareholder BofA’s Sutmeier) S&P 500 is currently applying the 4,250 line, which is 40 shares of Ripyeong Line, as a resistance zone. As you can see in the second photo, about 4114 and 4049 are currently the support lines at the rewind level. Considering the leverage of Satrifund’s Dunniles) retail business, GAAP net income per share (EPS) could reach between $5 and $6 in 2025. For regular retailers, Costco’s subsequent share price returns are 37 times higher than the giant retailer Walmart’s 25 times higher. The bottom is $5×25=$125, and the top is $6×37=$222. Amazon is likely to increase its retail share through AI/Cloud. https://x.com/DanielTNiles/status/1717894723485266196?s=20- > Amazon shareholders of the Telegram operator

Akechi-guk) Demand for Meta Quest 3 significantly lower than expected and continuous reduction in orders means that Meta’s reality wrap loss will continue to worsen. https://x.com/mingchikuo/status/1717921260221735313?s=20 Akechi-guk) The lower-than-expected demand for MetaQuest 3 and the continued reduction in orders mean that Meta’s reality wrap loss will continue to worsen. https://x.com/mingchikuo/status/1717921260221735313?s=20


what the hell someone wants what the hell someone wants

Revenue Cover Call Options…?!
A system that collects money from the country if it exceeds the standard Revenue Cover Call Options…?!
A system that collects money from the country if it exceeds the standard

This is Nomura’s dollar/yen daily chart analysis. This is Nomura’s dollar/yen daily chart analysis.

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Welcome to the Macro jungle, Macro jungle for Tarzan Jane. 1. global Create macro investment ideas and scenarios. 2. I try to find facts that I can’t see beyond the surface. I’ve always done that, and I’m going to do that in the future. 3. I will make it clear that everything is just my idea and not my intention to recommend a sale. 4. This information cannot be used as proof of the investor’s decision-making and the legal liability associated with the outcome of the investment. Contact: @Globalmacrostrategistt.me Macro jungle for Tarzan Jane, welcome to the macro jungle. 1. global Create macro investment ideas and scenarios. 2. I try to find facts that I can’t see beyond the surface. I’ve always done that, and I’m going to do that in the future. 3. I will make it clear that everything is just my idea and not my intention to recommend a sale. 4. This information cannot be used as proof of the investor’s decision-making and the legal liability associated with the outcome of the investment. Contact: @Globalmacrostrategistt.me


If you’re curious about the future of AAPL, let’s take a look at each sachi wood. LVMH, MBG (Mercedes-Benz Group)* I am not an IT expert, so I have no idea. You are the best when arguing back. If you’re curious about the future of AAPL, let’s take a look at each sachi wood. LVMH, MBG (Mercedes-Benz Group)* I am not an IT expert, so I have no idea. You are the best when arguing back.

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Market Man’s Stock Story Market Man’s Stock Market Story t.me Market Man’s Stock Story Market Man’s Stock Market Story t.me


an adjustment to see once every ten years. The market man-mei stock market has recently set a unique record. Since the 1930s, it has fallen only eight times for three consecutive months, including August, September and October. Including this time, it will be 9 times. It came out nine times in 90 years, so there was an adjustment to whether it came out once every 10 years or not. What has happened since then by the end of the year? In November, it rose five times out of eight, and by the end of the year, it rose five times and fell three times. Looking at statistics since 1950, all of them went up in November, and all of them went up until the end of the year except once in 1957. Chart Source: Bespoke Adjusts to see once every 10 years. The market man-mei stock market has recently set a unique record. Since the 1930s, it has fallen only eight times for three consecutive months, including August, September and October. Including this time, it will be 9 times. It came out nine times in 90 years, so there was an adjustment to whether it came out once every 10 years or not. What has happened since then by the end of the year? In November, it rose five times out of eight, and by the end of the year, it rose five times and fell three times. Looking at statistics since 1950, all of them went up in November, and all of them went up until the end of the year except once in 1957. Chart Source: Bespoke

last week’s global stock market fund trends. Market Man ① Global equity funds last week – $7.46 billion net outflow ② inflow of IT, energy, gold and telecommunications services. Healthcare, finance, and voluntary consumer goods outflows ③ Emerging markets net outflows of -$2.5 billion ④ Developed countries net outflows of -$2.1 billion based on EPFR. Emerging countries – net outflow of $0.02 billion ⑤ Asian countries sold a net last week. In particular, selling was strong in China and Taiwan. However, as the Chinese stock market rebounded later in the week, foreign buying speculation was also charted, the International Financial Center and Reuters last week’s global stock market fund trends. Market Man ① Global equity funds last week – $7.46 billion net outflow ② inflow of IT, energy, gold and telecommunications services. Healthcare, finance, and voluntary consumer goods outflows ③ Emerging markets net outflows of -$2.5 billion ④ Developed countries net outflows of -$2.1 billion based on EPFR. Emerging countries – net outflow of $0.02 billion ⑤ Asian countries sold a net last week. In particular, selling was strong in China and Taiwan. However, as the Chinese stock market rebounded later in the week, foreign buying speculation was also charted, the International Financial Center and Reuters

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I am Kim Kyung-hwan, in charge of research on Hana Securities China/emerging countries strategy Kim Kyung-hwan, in charge of China/emerging countries strategy. This is an issue comment from our global research team in China/emerging countries!
t.me I am Kim Kyung-hwan, China/Emerging Countries Strategy Kim Kyung-hwan, in charge of China/Emerging Countries Strategy, Hana Securities, t.me . This is an issue comment from our global research team in China/emerging countries!


[A sharp drop in the proportion of short selling to emerging stock markets ETF (VWO): Expectations close to the bottom] ≫ The proportion of selling positions to VWO, an ETF in emerging economies, has decreased to 0.01%, the lowest level since July 2006 ≫ Analysts say that expectations for a rebound in China’s economy and profit forecasts for emerging companies have been revised upward to reflect further restrictions on stock prices in emerging countries and the possibility of confirming the bottom ≫ VWO is an ETF that follows FTSE Emerging Markets Index. Unlike MSCI, FTSE classifies Korea as an advanced country, so Korean stocks are excluded from VWO’s inclusion list https://v.daum.net/v/20231028063640830 [A sharp drop in the share of short selling to emerging stock markets ETF (VWO): Expectations for near-bottom point] ≫ The proportion of selling positions to VWO, an ETF in emerging economies, has decreased to 0.01%, the lowest level since July 2006 ≫ Analysts say that expectations for a rebound in China’s economy and profit forecasts for emerging companies have been revised upward to reflect further restrictions on stock prices in emerging countries and the possibility of confirming the bottom ≫ VWO is an ETF that follows FTSE Emerging Markets Index. Unlike MSCI, FTSE classifies Korea as an advanced country, so Korean stocks are excluded from VWO’s inclusion https://v.daum.net/v/20231028063640830

U.S. President Biden Meets with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi··· “Expecting a meeting with Xi Jinping,” U.S. President Joe Biden met with Wang Yi, a member of the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, on the 27th (local time) to emphasize the need for responsible relations management and communication between the two countries. President Biden met with Wang, who visited the U.S. for foreign ministerial talks, and said, “The U.S. and China should take responsibility for managing competitive relations and maintain open communication channels,” the White House said. Biden vs. v. daum.net U.S. President Biden meets with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi··· “Expecting a meeting with Xi Jinping,” U.S. President Joe Biden met with Wang Yi, a member of the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, on the 27th (local time) to emphasize the need for responsible relations management and communication between the two countries. President Biden met with Wang, who visited the U.S. for foreign ministerial talks, and said, “The U.S. and China should take responsibility for managing competitive relations and maintain open communication channels,” the White House said. Biden vs. v. daum.net

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Tata Group, which manufactures iPhones in India after acquiring the Wistron business, plans to start assembling Apple iPhones in India after Wistron Corp approves the sale of Indian manufacturing units from salt to software, according to a minister at Friday.www.reuters.com Tata Group, which manufactures iPhones in India after acquiring the Wistron business, plans to start assembling Apple iPhones in India after Wistron Corp approves the sale of Indian manufacturing units from salt to software, according to a minister at Friday.www.reuters.com


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[Samsung Jung Kyu] It’s an investment strategy that makes a difference, China strategy. t.me [Samsung Jung Kyu] China Strategy, a different investment strategy. t.me

【Breaking News】Biden Xi Jinping agrees to hold next month’s summit: Yonhap News | Naver-https://naver.me/GQNNAzwm 【Breaking News】Biden Xi Jinping agrees to hold next month’s summit: Yonhap News | Naver-https://naver.me/GQNNAzwm

US-China Summit Held US-China Summit Held

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Umbrella Research (Umbrella Research) research platform since 2020 Umbrella Research Platform is a premium service that provides quality content to VVIPs along with CP (Contents Provider). Experience the unique stock investment strategy provided by former analysts and fund managers. We offer portfolio strategies and unique research rather than buying and selling stocks. Public channels send only some of the paid subscription materials and news. (No comment) t.me Umbrella Research Research Platform Since 2020 Umbrella Research Platform is a premium service that provides high-quality content to VVIPs along with CP (Contents Provider). Experience the unique stock investment strategy provided by former analysts and fund managers. We offer portfolio strategies and unique research rather than buying and selling stocks. Public channels send only some of the paid subscription materials and news. (Self-restraint from comments) t.me

Even if the U.S. consumer price growth rate is more stable than it is now, it is likely to remain at 3-3.5%. I think it’s very difficult to go down to 2%. Therefore, short-term interest rates will remain at 3-4 percent for a much longer period than current market expectations. Short-term interest rates are likely to remain at about 3.5% and long-term interest rates at about 4.5% over the next few years. The U.S. economic growth rate will also be low at 1-1.5%.” https://www.chosun.com/economy/weeklybiz/2023/10/26/7IY3E3P5DRDURFRAH6CHO3LMKU/http ://www.newspost.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=112095 Even if the U.S. consumer price growth rate is more stable than it is now, it is likely to remain at 3-3.5%. I think it’s very difficult to go down to 2%. Therefore, short-term interest rates will remain at 3-4 percent for a much longer period than current market expectations. Short-term interest rates are likely to remain at about 3.5% and long-term interest rates at about 4.5% over the next few years. The U.S. economic growth rate will also be low at around 1-1.5 percent.” https://www.chosun.com/economy/weeklybiz/2023/10/26/7IY3E3P5DRDURFRAH6CHO3LMKU/http ://www.newspost.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=112095

[On-site] 12,000 won for a mackerel feast… Office workers “crying face” due to soaring prices – Newspost [Newspost = Goodbye reporter]\”I’m going to make lunch boxes from the beginning.” As noon approached, office workers in Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul were in a hurry. The temperature is 20… www.newspost.kr [On-site] As noon approached on the 27th, office workers wearing employee ID cards were in a hurry. The temperature is 20…www.newspost.kr


Major 10-year government bond rate: Everything is rising after the U.S. monthly except for a few emerging countries.. Major 10-year government bond rate: Everything is rising after the U.S. monthly except for a few emerging countries..

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Investment Note of Umbrella Research Anakin Investment Note Channel of Umbrella Research Anakin. There is a lot of shortage. I will do my best. *Companies and stocks listed on this channel are not recommended for sale, and all responsibility lies with the investor himself. t.me Investment Note by Umbrella Research Anakin Investment Note Channel by Umbrella Research Anakin. There is a lot of shortage. I will do my best. *Companies and stocks listed on this channel are not recommended for sale, and all responsibilities lie with the investor himself/herself. t.me


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Ether Japan & America Stock News This is a place to store information of interest mainly in Japan and the United States. It is a channel where you can find a variety of companies, including Japan’s economic situation, which is not common in Korea. It mainly deals with semiconductor/aircraft information and brings in various news. It’s ether, not Isher!
t.me E-Tel Japan & America Stock News This is a place to store information of interest mainly in Japan and the United States. It is a channel where you can find a variety of companies, including Japan’s economic situation, which is not common in Korea. It mainly deals with semiconductor/aircraft information and brings in various news. It’s Ether, not Isher!


1. Azure had an excellent quarter, but the GCP wasn’t very good. Azure’s growth accelerated from 25% last quarter to more than 29% this quarter. Management said 3% of this growth came from the excellent performance of AI. This is $380 million above AI’s expectations. In the case of GCP, growth slowed from 28% in the previous quarter to 21% in the current quarter. This is the first time that it has not become the fastest growing cloud company since it unveiled its cloud performance. The next few quarters will be a very important time for GCP to secure a share of the cloud AI market and stabilize growth. 2. The timeline for AI’s return has been decided. Microsoft announced in January that Azure OpenAI ChatGPT would be available to the public. Expanding capacity and onboarding customers into programs It took a long time from March to April. Therefore, it is expected that it will take three to six months for companies to distribute AI apps. GOOGL announced Vertex AI’s GA for Gen AI in July and set a schedule 3 to 6 months later than MSFT. If GCP secures its share of the AI market, it will be able to confirm its performance in the second quarter. 3. AWS stabilization. AWS has the highest exposure to pure computing costs among the three largest cloud providers. Provides the best insight into overall cloud spending. Growth is stabilizing this quarter, and management predicted that the cloud sector will be strong in 2024. AWS has posted $88 billion in sales over the past 12 months. Even with this size of business, growth is expected to accelerate again in 2024. Cloud is a good business. https://x.com/AITechInvesting/status/1717912505601638761?s=20 1. Azure had a good quarter, but GCP wasn’t very good. Azure’s growth accelerated from 25% last quarter to more than 29% this quarter. Management said 3% of this growth came from the excellent performance of AI. This is $380 million above AI’s expectations. In the case of GCP, growth slowed from 28% in the previous quarter to 21% in the current quarter. This is the first time that it has not become the fastest growing cloud company since it unveiled its cloud performance. The next few quarters will be a very important time for GCP to secure a share of the cloud AI market and stabilize growth. 2. The timeline for AI’s return has been decided. Microsoft announced in January that Azure OpenAI ChatGPT would be available to the public. Expanding capacity and onboarding customers into programs It took a long time from March to April. Therefore, it is expected that it will take three to six months for companies to distribute AI apps. GOOGL announced Vertex AI’s GA for Gen AI in July and set a schedule 3 to 6 months later than MSFT. If GCP secures its share of the AI market, it will be able to confirm its performance in the second quarter. 3. AWS stabilization. AWS has the highest exposure to pure computing costs among the three largest cloud providers. Provides the best insight into overall cloud spending. Growth is stabilizing this quarter, and management predicted that the cloud sector will be strong in 2024. AWS has posted $88 billion in sales over the past 12 months. Even with this size of business, growth is expected to accelerate again in 2024. Cloud is a good business. https://x.com/AITechInvesting/status/1717912505601638761?s=20

It is a popular ETF/individual stock in Japan. In popular ETFs, you can see three times as much leverage as SOXL, SOXS, TMF, etc. Popular acquisitions include NVIDIA, Tesla, Meta and Apple. They’re all alike It is a popular ETF/individual stock in Japan. In popular ETFs, you can see three times as much leverage as SOXL, SOXS, TMF, etc. Popular acquisitions include NVIDIA, Tesla, Meta and Apple. They’re all alike

City) U.S. September data was buoyed by strong payroll reports, solid core CPI results and soaring retail sales. As a result, we have postponed the start of the U.S. economic recession again from the first quarter of 2024 to the second quarter of 2024. The unemployment rate is expected to rise to 5.5% by the end of 2024 following the economic recession in about the second quarter. Currently, the Federal Reserve expects interest rates to be frozen by July 2012. →Are you going to postpone the forecast until the economic downturn occurs? City) U.S. September data was buoyed by strong payroll reports, solid core CPI results and soaring retail sales. As a result, we have postponed the start of the U.S. economic recession again from the first quarter of 2024 to the second quarter of 2024. The unemployment rate is expected to rise to 5.5% by the end of 2024 following the economic recession in about the second quarter. Currently, the Federal Reserve expects interest rates to be frozen by July 2012. →Are you going to postpone the forecast until the economic downturn occurs?

J.P. Morgan) We don’t think the upcoming housing decline is as big as we’ve seen in the last year and a half. J.P. Morgan) We don’t think the upcoming housing decline is as big as we’ve seen in the last year and a half.

Goldman Sachs: The fourth quarter’s GDP tracking estimate was +1.6% QoQ, which exceeded the previous forecast of +0.7% and reflected the removal of the government shutdown. It also upgraded to reflect strong consumer momentum. Goldman Sachs: The fourth quarter’s GDP tracking estimate was +1.6% QoQ, which exceeded the previous forecast of +0.7% and reflected the removal of the government shutdown. It also upgraded to reflect strong consumer momentum.

This is JPMorgan’s 24-year-old market view. The original text corresponds to about 150 pages, so I’ll try to bring only a part of it!
This is JPMorgan’s 24-year-old market view. The original text corresponds to about 150 pages, so I’ll try to bring only a part of it!

Inflation – It’s no longer serious, but uncertainty remains. This year, we raised inflation estimates in Europe and Japan to 2.20 percent and 1.40 percent, respectively, and raised inflation forecasts in developed markets to 2.30 percent. While the economy-neutral U.S. inflation assessment remains unchanged, the average U.S. inflation has fallen from 2.60% to 2.50% due to lower starting levels than last year. Nevertheless, the disinflationary forces in the 2010s have eased, revealing upward risks to inflation (Example 3). While upward and downward factors currently act as almost the same forces on inflation, forces in either direction at different points in the future outlook may prevail for the time being, suggesting that inflation uncertainty may continue to rise. Even if the economy periodically moves between inflation and disinflation, investors should pay attention to the impact of inflation on real returns and on portfolio composition. Simply put, inflation is the enemy of both stock and bond yields. Inflation – It’s no longer serious, but uncertainty remains. This year, we raised inflation estimates in Europe and Japan to 2.20 percent and 1.40 percent, respectively, and raised inflation forecasts in developed markets to 2.30 percent. While the economy-neutral U.S. inflation assessment remains unchanged, the average U.S. inflation has fallen from 2.60% to 2.50% due to lower starting levels than last year. Nevertheless, the disinflationary forces in the 2010s have eased, revealing upward risks to inflation (Example 3). While upward and downward factors currently act as almost the same forces on inflation, forces in either direction at different points in the future outlook may prevail for the time being, suggesting that inflation uncertainty may continue to rise. Even if the economy periodically moves between inflation and disinflation, investors should pay attention to the impact of inflation on real returns and on portfolio composition. Simply put, inflation is the enemy of both stock and bond yields.

Bond-Bond Investment Bond investment, which has returned to its dull peak, is generally recognized as a calmer investment than a high level over the past year. We expect the volatility of the bond market to calm down as the recent inflation shock and the surge in bond market volatility disappear into the rearview mirror. Looking at the itinerary over the past two years, although cycle-neutral returns and spread assumptions have not changed significantly, the cash and government bond yield forecasts have risen slightly due to higher starting rates (Figure 4). With the curve reversed, investors should consider negative carry when holding bonds, but if inflation normalizes within the next 1-2 years, the obstacle will be eased and eventually reversed. For existing bondholders, the journey of “longer at lower interest rates” was painful (Example 5). However, after the rate of return is reset, the real bond rate will be positive in the future, and investors can rely on bonds again for income and distributed investment due to the shock of deflationary growth. Bond interest rates will be reset immediately, but it may take longer for a broader financial system to adapt to higher interest rates. In particular, there may be some confusion in the lowest quality sector of the credit complex where the business model relies on cheap financing. However, there are still few signs of refinancing stress in the broader corporate bond market. The default is expected to rise slightly on the long-term average, but the credit market is generally healthy. Bond-Bond Investment Bond investment, which has returned to its dull peak, is generally recognized as a calmer investment than a high level over the past year. We expect the volatility of the bond market to calm down as the recent inflation shock and the surge in bond market volatility disappear into the rearview mirror. Looking at the itinerary over the past two years, although cycle-neutral returns and spread assumptions have not changed significantly, the cash and government bond yield forecasts have risen slightly due to higher starting rates (Figure 4). With the curve reversed, investors should consider negative carry when holding bonds, but if inflation normalizes within the next 1-2 years, the obstacle will be eased and eventually reversed. For existing bondholders, the journey of “longer at lower interest rates” was painful (Example 5). However, after the rate of return is reset, the real bond rate will be positive in the future, and investors can rely on bonds again for income and distributed investment due to the shock of deflationary growth. Bond interest rates will be reset immediately, but it may take longer for a broader financial system to adapt to higher interest rates. In particular, there may be some confusion in the lowest quality sector of the credit complex where the business model relies on cheap financing. However, there are still few signs of refinancing stress in the broader corporate bond market. The default is expected to rise slightly on the long-term average, but the credit market is generally healthy.

The shift in the foreign exchange-EUR and JPY structural support growth policy and the resulting reset of returns will also affect the currency. The dollar began to fall as the global central bank raised domestic interest rates in line with the Federal Reserve. The dollar is still overvalued and is expected to fall against most currencies during the forecast period (Figure 6). In the long run, however, changes in capital flows are expected to determine the currency path rather than pure interest rates or differences in growth rates. Global supply chain friction and increased aggregate demand from the OECD government and households since a decade of deleveraging have permanently removed the global economy from ultra-low inflation and low interest rates. The clearest evidence of this change can be found in the eurozone and in Japan. This shift means that the period of extreme low growth in nominal growth, interest rates, and the stock market is over. The euro and yen will strengthen and accelerate the dollar’s decline as the flow of capital back to these areas by domestic capital remaining in domestic assets as much as foreign inflow funds. Higher inflation forecasts in Europe and Japan may eventually limit the appreciation of the currency, but the euro and the yen will still be able to rise at a level that has fallen. Ultimately, we believe that the appreciation of the euro and the yen is not due to the appreciated dollar, but to the structural development of Europe and Japan. The shift in the foreign exchange-EUR and JPY structural support growth policy and the resulting reset of returns will also affect the currency. The dollar began to fall as the global central bank raised domestic interest rates in line with the Federal Reserve. The dollar is still overvalued and is expected to fall against most currencies during the forecast period (Figure 6). In the long run, however, changes in capital flows are expected to determine the currency path rather than pure interest rates or differences in growth rates. Global supply chain friction and increased aggregate demand from the OECD government and households since a decade of deleveraging have permanently removed the global economy from ultra-low inflation and low interest rates. The clearest evidence of this change can be found in the eurozone and in Japan. This shift means that the period of extreme low growth in nominal growth, interest rates, and the stock market is over. The euro and yen will strengthen and accelerate the dollar’s decline as the flow of capital back to these areas by domestic capital remaining in domestic assets as much as foreign inflow funds. Higher inflation forecasts in Europe and Japan may eventually limit the appreciation of the currency, but the euro and the yen will still be able to rise at a level that has fallen. Ultimately, we believe that the appreciation of the euro and the yen is not due to the appreciated dollar, but to the structural development of Europe and Japan.

Stocks – Get ahead of the changing wind. Overall, the 2023 rally is expected to lower the stock yield forecast, but not much lower than expected. Increased confidence in margins, adjusted dilution assumptions, and improved corporate financial discipline, even as capital costs rise, will slow down the worst impact of the index’s high starting point (Reference 7). Since the stock market crash in 2022, the previous version of the global stock forecast has risen to the highest level in a decade. Stock prices rose 20% over the past year, but this year’s global stock forecast fell only 70bps to 7.8%, indicating our continued confidence in the corporate earnings outlook. Although margins in many markets have risen relative to the cycle average, we expect simple average reversals to stabilize at a higher level than implied (Example 8). While this partly reflects changes in sector mix, it is also evidence of improved corporate discipline and a focus on margin stability. Index is technology in some cases It is too concentrated in the sector, and we can argue that this could pose a risk to future returns on equity. In addition, considering the recent hype about artificial intelligence, this concentration risks forming a market bubble. When all Silicon Valley companies are classified as technology companies, the index seems to have concentrated considerably, which is actually more serious than the concentration of banks before the global financial crisis (e.g. 9A). However, if you classify companies based on the location of the value chain or the final industry that supports them, not on whether to utilize innovation, the concentration may not be very noticeable. In other words, the evolution of industry classification is an ongoing process and should reflect the basic business classification of the broader U.S. economy (Source 9B). It is also reasonable to expect that as more and more industries become technologically dependent, the number of listed companies supplying critical hardware, software, and innovation required by the wider economy will increase significantly. Ultimately, investors can underestimate the margins and the resilience of surplus cash flows of companies characterized by technology companies and exaggerate the risks of concentration. With the emergence of competitive trade blocs worldwide, innovation, technology and data are increasingly seen as strategic assets. Governments have weakened their willingness to dismantle market-leading big tech companies, allowing the industry to operate as an “allowed monopoly” and collect exclusive rents, thus receiving high valuation. Even if U.S. margins are recovering, profits from other advanced markets are still attractive. The market dominance enjoyed by U.S. companies until the 2010s is especially facing competition between Europe and Japan. Europe has long been out of the shadow of the eurozone crisis. Although the impact on corporate reliability has been meaningful, the region still holds 15% of the world’s most valuable brands. The financial ecosystem is also evolving more coordinated and stock-friendly. Meanwhile, Japan’s return on equity (ROE) is recovering as the lost 20 years of corporate insolvency and excessive savings have disappeared into history. Meanwhile, the outlook for emerging-country stocks turned negative. Investors are increasingly skeptical about China’s prospects and are reluctant to pay high multiples. Since the Chinese stock market did not participate in the 2023 rally, a low starting point supports the expected return. Nevertheless, this year’s return premium on emerging-country stocks compared to advanced-country stocks has narrowed by 40bp on a dollar basis. Stocks – Get ahead of the changing wind. Overall, the 2023 rally is expected to lower the stock yield forecast, but not much lower than expected. Increased confidence in margins, adjusted dilution assumptions, and improved corporate financial discipline, even as capital costs rise, will slow down the worst impact of the index’s high starting point (Reference 7). Since the stock market crash in 2022, the previous version of the global stock forecast has risen to the highest level in a decade. Stock prices rose 20% over the past year, but this year’s global stock forecast fell only 70bps to 7.8%, indicating our continued confidence in the corporate earnings outlook. Although margins in many markets have risen relative to the cycle average, we expect simple average reversals to stabilize at a higher level than implied (Example 8). While this partly reflects changes in sector mix, it is also evidence of improved corporate discipline and a focus on margin stability. Index is technology in some cases It is too concentrated in the sector, and we can argue that this could pose a risk to future returns on equity. In addition, considering the recent hype about artificial intelligence, this concentration risks forming a market bubble. When all Silicon Valley companies are classified as technology companies, the index seems to have concentrated considerably, which is actually more serious than the concentration of banks before the global financial crisis (e.g. 9A). However, if you classify companies based on the location of the value chain or the final industry that supports them, not on whether to utilize innovation, the concentration may not be very noticeable. In other words, the evolution of industry classification is an ongoing process and should reflect the basic business classification of the broader U.S. economy (Source 9B). It is also reasonable to expect that as more and more industries become technologically dependent, the number of listed companies supplying critical hardware, software, and innovation required by the wider economy will increase significantly. Ultimately, investors can underestimate the margins and the resilience of surplus cash flows of companies characterized by technology companies and exaggerate the risks of concentration. With the emergence of competitive trade blocs worldwide, innovation, technology and data are increasingly seen as strategic assets. Governments have weakened their willingness to dismantle market-leading big tech companies, allowing the industry to operate as an “allowed monopoly” and collect exclusive rents, thus receiving high valuation. Even if U.S. margins are recovering, profits from other advanced markets are still attractive. The market dominance enjoyed by U.S. companies until the 2010s is especially facing competition between Europe and Japan. Europe has long been out of the shadow of the eurozone crisis. Although the impact on corporate reliability has been meaningful, the region still holds 15% of the world’s most valuable brands. The financial ecosystem is also evolving more coordinated and stock-friendly. Meanwhile, Japan’s return on equity (ROE) is recovering as the lost 20 years of corporate insolvency and excessive savings have disappeared into history. Meanwhile, the outlook for emerging-country stocks turned negative. Investors are increasingly skeptical about China’s prospects and are reluctant to pay high multiples. Since the Chinese stock market did not participate in the 2023 rally, a low starting point supports the expected return

Real GDP and inflation forecast for 24 years by J.P. Morgan 24 Real GDP, Inflation Forecast by J.P. Morgan

What is the productivity potential of the generated AI? Artificial intelligence has developed rapidly over the past few years, and now it can produce results similar to humans and match or surpass various human benchmarks. Recently, attention has been focused on Generative AI technologies such as chat GPT and stable diffusion. Unity believes that generation AI can succeed steam engines, electricity, and computers to innovate production of goods and services and improve production and human welfare. These possibilities stem from versatility, exponential improvement capabilities (AI workloads have nearly doubled quarterly since 2012, and this trend is expected to continue), and the trend to create complementary technologies. Companies in various industries are already rushing to introduce new machines and work methods that utilize AI’s productivity benefits. However, there are also many obstacles. AI’s ability to increase productivity faces two categories of challenges: some notable technological advances, such as smartphones and social media, have not significantly improved measured productivity despite social influence, because the value it provides to consumers has had little quantifiable impact on GDP. In addition, some new products and services are often not properly reflected in national economic statistics. However, quantification and accounting may not be a problem because generating AI has the potential to automate and accelerate existing services. Innovative industrial and post-industrial innovations often culminate in economic influence 20 to 30 years after companies build complementary innovations and capital. However, as the speed of technology introduction is accelerating and AI is highly accessible, it can be settled faster because end users only need to invest a minimum amount of capital. And unlike the development of self-driving cars, which took longer than expected to provide minimal viable products, generative AI, as well as AI, which is expected to have a greater impact on labor than productivity, is already economically useful. As highly skilled tasks become increasingly automated, professional skills can be devalued. Labor demand will be reorganized in a direction where labor has a comparative advantage over artificial intelligence, and if these changes proceed rapidly, unemployment may occur in the short term, but unemployment is not expected in the long term. In fact, in the long history of innovation, new job creation coincided with job growth because it employed most unemployed people. In addition, AI can alleviate two major challenges facing most developing economies: population aging and technology shortages. In addition, generative AI can worsen inequality if more income goes to AI capital owners. Labor, which competes with cheaper AI, can also put downward pressure on wages. According to some studies, AI’s ability to narrow the technology gap between beginners and highly skilled workers can partially offset this effect by providing expertise to inexperienced people. Ultimately, worsening income inequality could reduce aggregate demand. Generative AI is likely to put downward pressure on inflation because automation means producing the same level of output with less input. While high productivity that drives aggregate demand can offset prices, economic history shows that large-scale innovations tend to cause deflation rather than inflation. Generative AI inspired powerful emotions. The possibility of improving living standards and expectations for investment opportunities are very realistic. However, there is also a fear of mass unemployment and the possibility of manipulation and misuse if this technology falls into the wrong hands. Although recent developments may have opened a new horizon for productivity, appropriate regulation and supervision are essential to safely realize AI’s potential. Global Stock Market Outlook Summary – Long-term stock return expectations have eased slightly compared to last year, but are still healthy. As the market continued to rally, cyclical headwinds grew. Overall, valuation is expected to act as a bigger obstacle than last year, and margins are expected to act as a smaller obstacle. – U.S. large-cap stocks are expected to return from 7.9 percent It fell to 7.0%. U.S. small-cap stocks are expected to return from 8.1 percent It dropped to 7.2 percent. Both movements reflect the valuation pressure. Considering the relatively unfriendly sector composition, profitability dynamics, and the tendency for companies to maintain unlisted stocks, we expect small-stock premiums to continue to decrease compared to large-cap stocks. – We expect non-U.S. stocks to perform better than U.S. stocks. While U.S. stocks are expected to provide stronger returns and sales growth, stocks in developed countries are expected to provide more attractive valuation and higher dividend yields, raising expectations for total revenue slightly. For dollar-based investors, the weak dollar will provide additional support for non-U.S. stocks, but the expected weak dollar has eased compared to last year. – Emerging market returns premiums for developed markets continue to fall. In some emerging economies, we are taking a more conservative approach to earnings forecasts because we were disappointed that economic growth would shift to earnings growth. The expected return on U.S. stocks in the U.S. market fell slightly from 7.9% to 7.0%, based on the U.S. dollar. In last year’s forecast, the U.S. stock market recently traded near the bottom of the market, offering considerable valuation support. The market was revalued significantly over the past year, and their support declined. On the other hand, realization margins have been on a downward trend since the previous forecast. As a result, headwinds from margin normalization were slightly reduced and the impact of the start-value increase was partially mitigated. What is the productivity potential of AI generated by corporate profitability, which has been unusually strong since the pandemic, over the next few years? Artificial intelligence has developed rapidly over the past few years, and now it can produce results similar to humans and match or surpass various human benchmarks. Recently, attention has been focused on Generative AI technologies such as chat GPT and stable diffusion. Unity believes that generation AI can succeed steam engines, electricity, and computers to innovate production of goods and services and improve production and human welfare. These possibilities stem from versatility, exponential improvement capabilities (AI workloads have nearly doubled quarterly since 2012, and this trend is expected to continue), and the trend to create complementary technologies. Companies in various industries are already rushing to introduce new machines and work methods that utilize AI’s productivity advantages

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Redbird Corporate Analysis This is Naver Blog Redbird Corporate Analysis Telegram. t.me Redbird Corporate Analysis Naver Blog Redbird Corporate Analysis Telegram. t.me

I don’t think AI’s edge device expansion should be taken lightly. So far, the three main pillars of semiconductor demand have been the server, mobile, and PC markets. Everyone could see how the AI revolution, which swept through the server this year, affected SK Hynix and Samsung Electronics’ DRAM performance. So what if AI spreads to the edge-sweet mobile and PC market? In the past, AI was always an attractive theme, but now is the time for AI to enter everyday life. If you look at the numbers of AI cover videos on YouTube and check the Internet to see how many images are generated by AI, AI is closely entering people. Such edge-level expansion will have tremendous application-side expansion and ripple effects if people start to use AI directly as an alpha-go-level recognition that simply plays Go. Why Lenovo wants to put AI chips in laptops and PCs, why Qualcomm wants to connect wireless earphones with Wi-Fi instead of Bluetooth, and why Microsoft wants to include Copilot, a personal AI secretary, in people. I don’t think AI’s edge device expansion should be taken lightly. So far, the three main pillars of semiconductor demand have been the server, mobile, and PC markets. Everyone could see how the AI revolution, which swept through the server this year, affected SK Hynix and Samsung Electronics’ DRAM performance. So what if AI spreads to the edge-sweet mobile and PC market? In the past, AI was always an attractive theme, but now is the time for AI to enter everyday life. If you look at the numbers of AI cover videos on YouTube and check the Internet to see how many images are generated by AI, AI is closely entering people. Such edge-level expansion will have tremendous application-side expansion and ripple effects if people start to use AI directly as an alpha-go-level recognition that simply plays Go. Why Lenovo wants to put AI chips in laptops and PCs, why Qualcomm wants to connect wireless earphones with Wi-Fi instead of Bluetooth, and why Microsoft wants to include Copilot, a personal AI secretary, in people.

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Some graphs – 3Q Hynix 2023; Intel https://blog.naver.com/tosoha1/223247836579 Some graphs – 3Q Hynix 2023; Intel https://blog.naver.com/tosoha1/223247836579

Some graphs – 3Q Hynix in 2023, Intel yesterday, Intel today, so we’re going to do quarterly results in a longer cycle to see the cycle situation…blog.naver.com Some graphs – 3Q Hynix in 2023, Intel yesterday, Intel today… blog.naver.com

K.I.N.X, Gwacheon Data Center Buff is good!
https://blog.naver.com/pivotinve/223247975153 K.I.N.X, Gwacheon Data Center Buff is good!

K.I.N.X’s Gwacheon Data Center Buff is good!
By Munrae-dong, the company I’m interested in these days is KINX, but even in the recent downturn, it’s steadily new…blog.naver.com K.I.N.X, Gwacheon Data Center Buff is good!
By Munrae-dong, the company I’m interested in these days is KINX, but even in the recent downturn, it’s steadily new…blog.naver.com

Biden and Xi Jinping agreed to hold the November summit, “Cooperation to Solve Global Issues” https://www.asiatoday.co.kr/view.php?key=20231029010015942 The U.S. and China agreed to hold the summit next month in principle, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on the 28th (local time). WSJ said that after months of diplomatic channels to restore U.S.-China relations, it is close to holding a summit between President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Earlier, AP also quoted officials the previous day as saying that the leaders of the U.S. and China agreed to hold a summit next month. The two leaders are expected to meet at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco in mid-November. Biden and Xi Jinping agreed to hold the November summit, “Cooperation to Solve Global Issues” https://www.asiatoday.co.kr/view.php?key=20231029010015942 The U.S. and China agreed to hold the summit next month in principle, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on the 28th (local time). WSJ said that after months of diplomatic channels to restore U.S.-China relations, it is close to holding a summit between President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Earlier, AP also quoted officials the previous day as saying that the leaders of the U.S. and China agreed to hold a summit next month. The two leaders are expected to meet at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco in mid-November.